28 things in 28 years
August 16, 2017As of Monday, I've been on this planet for 28 years. In some ways, it's kind of a miracle I've made it this far. A decade ago, I couldn't imagine what my life could possibly be like in ten years... I still can't, really. But I'm excited to see how my life changes between 28 and 38 because of the amazing changes I've experienced since I was 18 and the things I've learned in those years.
And because birthdays can be a time of reflection, I'm going to share what I've learned with you.
1. Learning to love yourself is a long process, but it's the most worthwhile journey you can take yourself on.
2. Don't plan ahead too much. You never know where life is going to take you.
3. Go with the flow. It's scary but it will help you experience so many new things.
4. Forget about what other people think of you.
5. Don't worry about where you should be in life. You're right where you need to be in this moment.
6. Express gratitude often.
7. Exercise daily, even if it is only 15 minutes of yoga or a walk through the park.
8. Drink a lot of water. (It will make you have to pee so much you'll get your exercise in through trips to the bathroom alone.)
9. Explore your emotions. Figure out what makes you feel good, what makes you feel bad, and why things make you feel the way they do.
10. Step outside of your comfort zone at least once a month.
11. Be yourself, without restrictions.
12. Surround yourself with good people.
13. If one of those good people turns bad, don't be afraid to cut them out of your life.
14. Enjoy some trashy reality television every once in a while.
15. But learn to enjoy documentaries, too.
16. Spend more money on experiences and less on stuff.
17. Take care of the planet. Even small changes matter – especially if everyone makes them.
18. Your worth isn't dependent on how busy you are.
19. Speak up – although, honestly, I'm still learning this one.
20. Take time for yourself and don't apologize for it.
21. Be kind, even when it is hard to do.
22. Journal every once in a while. It feels good and will give you something to look back on.
23. Plant a garden. Not only is it fun, it's a source of pride and accomplishment when those flowers start to bloom or those tomatoes start to ripen.
24. Get in touch with your spiritual side, whatever that means to you.
25. Make some art. Show it off occasionally.
26. Spend time with animals. They are the best.
27. Don't be a fucking nazi. This one seems obvious, but we've learned lately that it's apparently not. (Also, don't fuck nazis. Have some self-respect.)
28. Grow older with grace. Don't worry about those gray hairs or those wrinkles that you're starting to see. It's all a part of the journey.