weekly gratitude | chapter two

October 22, 2017

Ah, the weekly gratitude list. Let's hop right in, shall we?

☆ This past Monday was my self-care day – and I'm grateful for that in and of itself. But I am especially grateful for the random nap I took that afternoon. I never take naps, but I was snuggled in my cozy bed watching a bit of Netflix and couldn't help myself.

☆ On Tuesday, I successfully baked a batch of pumpkin pecan muffins with a cinnamon pecan crumble. I never bake, so I was pretty proud of this accomplishment.

☆ I had an event that I had planned on attending Tuesday night but, honestly, I just wasn't feeling up to it. In the past I would have gone out of obligation, but I felt in tune with myself enough to know that it just wasn't where I was meant to be that evening... and that was okay. I'm grateful for that realization.

☆ I'm super grateful for DIY hacks that will help me make something I've been wanting for a fraction of the cost. This time I am talking about a wake up light and, if I'm successful, I'll share my DIY on the blog.

And some of the blogs & videos I've been grateful for...

☆ This piece by Todd Brison on not fitting in

☆ This DIY on how to make lotion in your blender (which I hope to try soon)

☆ This video on what to do if your parachute fails (not that I would ever need it)

☆ Demi Lovato's new documentary, where she is very open about her struggles with mental health

☆ Lavendaire's new video with a few easy tips on how to start a zero-waste journey

What have you been grateful for this week?

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My name is Bianca and I've spent the last 28 years of my life learning how to love and take care of myself. Self-love and self-care are hard things to learn and even harder things to live out, but we're going to go on this journey together. So let's talk about what we can do to make our lives peaceful and joyful so that we can grow and be thankful for where we're at!

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